Sunday, April 6, 2014

101 Vagina

Have you ever wondered if you look "normal" down there?  Have you ever had embarassment, shame, or confusion over what your lady parts look like?  Most women will answer yes to these questions.

The main reason for this is a lack of exposure to what real women's vulvas look like.  Let me just tell you, no matter what you look like... your pussy is perfect!

When I ran across the information on a coffee table book called Vagina 101, I got really excited.  How inspiring to see what real women look like and embrace self-love of our bodies.

Of Sex and Love did a great review of the book and had this to say:
You see, 101 vagina is a book featuring 101 photos of vulvas and 101 pieces by the owners of those vulvas. The book is printed completely in black and white, and it has a sleek white hard cover to boot. See? You can sum up what it is so easily. But I’m not sure that you can sum up the significance of this book quite so easily.
You can read the full review here.  You can also enter for a chance to win a copy here.

I hope to get the opportunity to own and review this book for myself... and of course to share with each of you.

I encourage each of you to look at your vulva with love and pride... You are perfectly created!

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